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Still Life 3
Two empty white chairs on the dock of a gray furniture warehouse
In the shade of an umbrella.
Closeup of ivy leaf still hanging against white wall
Minimalist capture of red egg standing on its own in perfect balance.
DESIGN BY RUST Traditional lebanese iron gate design beautifully complemented by random rust
Multicolor reflections of boats in fishing port, Lebanon
Tabletop composition of red lighters flashing blue lights
Close up minimalism of classic red and black Buick Special
Jellybeans pouring out of a champagne glass on reflective gray surface
Sandwiching of 2 slides of Jumbo Jet model
Partial view of woman in red corduroy pants, seated on balcony edge against blue sky
Closeup of red maraschino cherries on a plate, on black and white checkered tablecloth
Mirrored composition of a bed of red irises.
Hand dance simulating bird feeding.
Black cigarette in white ashtray on red music keyboard
Closeup of logo and window of yellow and blue classic Buick WAG
Symmetric closeup composition of single red egg on white Styrofoam egg crate against black background
Swan and cygnets at sunset
Closeup of random dragon shape diffraction on soap bubble.
Birth of the celestial fruit.
Front view closeup of a classic Ford V8 truck and logo
Oriental wooden flute standing against a 19th century marble wall design in Beiteddine, Lebanon
Star-shaped green tambourine on 19th century crafted wooden door
shadow of hugs and kisses iron bars design on window sunscreen in Beirut
Aboard a cargo ship fleeing war torn Beirut, 1982
Old roadside telephone poles, Salt Lake, Utah.
Blue sky reflecting on Caddy’s chrome hood..
Woman in fuchsia veils dancing in a golden weed fielsd